How Do I Activate My Second Solo Build It Site?

Question - I have forgotten how to start on the second website, since I purchased two websites in a recent promotion.

Could you please tell me how to do that?

Answer - Just find the email from Sitesell that you received when you purchased your two sites (it has the subject line "Get Ready For Solo Build It").

It will give you instructions on activating the second site.

If you can't find it, here's the part you need:

There is no rush for you to start the gift SBI!. You have 9 months from today to START that site.

When you are ready to START the extra subscription to SBI, simply go to this URL...

We'll process the second SBI! and send the "Get Ready for Solo Build It!" e-mail within minutes.

The one-year subscription starts at that time, so remember...

There's no rush. Start when ready. :-)

Hope this helps...