Affiliate Marketing Website Models For Your Online Business

By Rocky Tapscott

A registered domain name would give you an address in the virtual world and Solo Build It gives you a virtual block of land. Now it’s time to build your house.

But there are many kinds of houses you could build, with each type serving a particular need. 

In the same light, there are many kinds of websites, and each type would also serve a particular need. Our goal right now is to determine the kinds of websites you could create to best serve you affiliate marketing concerns.

As an affiliate, here are a number of website models you could decide to employ. Let’s take a look some of them.

A Review Center

You could create a website which seeks to review products and services that are released in the market. 

Here’s the deal, though. 

Review the products you are promoting. Naturally, you’d want your reviews to be favorable for the affiliate merchant’s offerings. 

So stress the beneficial points of the products so that your visitors may be encouraged to click on your affiliate link and be redirected to the affiliate merchant’s sales page.

But be careful of not appearing biased - if every product you review has only good points and no flaws or problems, you'll lose your credibility. Be honest about the good and bad points on every product you review.

By providing your readers an impartial review, and rating the products you check out from best to worst, you will gain trust and those all important click throughs to your affiliate merchants.

An Affiliate Mall

An effective way of promoting your affiliate links is through an affiliate mall where you make your website into an online catalogue of sorts. 

Display the products you are promoting, and attach your affiliate links. 

Provide a short but encouraging description for each product. Also include a small image of the product itself (as an affiliate, you are allowed to use the affiliate program’s images for your promotional campaigns, so you won’t be violating any copyrights by doing this). 

This setup is quite empowering for your visitors. They are given the option to choose which among the products you are pre-selling would be the most suitable for them. 

A Pure Content Site

Content is king on the internet. People surf the World Wide Web in search for information. If you have the information they need, then you’re in business. 

You could simply follow the Solo Build It C->T->P->M principles and focus on creating unique and quality information for your website, and include your affiliate links by way of recommendation or direct announcement.

There are many kinds of content sites which you could decide to build:

  • A news site which offers the latest information on the market you will be catering to

  • An information hub containing guides and general information about the same market

  • A download center for valuable products you’re freely offering (this is great for a viral marketing campaign, which we will discuss in subsequent lessons)

And remember, no matter which type of site you build, they all must have an Opt-In page, and preferably opt-in forms for your newsletter or a Mini Course on each page.

You will not be able to get all of your visitors onto your list. You won’t even be able to win a majority of them. 

The best thing you could aim for is to gather the “yes” visitors, try your best to change the mind of the “no” visitors, and capture the contact information of the “maybe” visitors so that you could continue to convince them for a future sale. And this should be your most wanted response anyway.

I've been harping on about this in lots of lessons and articles I know, but it's just soooo important. 

By having people subscribe to your mailing list, you’d be able to contact them at any time, with new offers, or perhaps with some valuable tidbits that would warm them up to purchase what the affiliate merchant is selling. 

All you need is an account with Aweber or you can simply use Form Build It and the SBI newsletter module, and then place Opt-in forms on every page so that it will capture prospective leads on auto-pilot. 

You should employ this strategy no matter which of the website models you choose which over time will see more visitors, purchasing more of your recommendations, more've gotta love that "-)