How Do I Capture My Clickbank Buyers Names So Can Follow Up With Them?

Question - I am about to start selling an ebook through Clickbank but I'm not sure how I should go about delivering the product to my buyers. Should I send people to the download page directly or somewhere else? How do I set this up?

Answer - You should always capture your buyers name and email address before they download the product so you can follow up with them later.  Making people register also discourages buyers passing around the download URL as well.

You should always have an optin list on the sales page, but this is different to your buyers list. You offer your product over and over again to your prospect list in your mini course or newsletter, but you offer back end and additional products to your buyers list. 

In other words, you need multiple lists for maximum profits

Watch this short video to see how to set this up with Clickbank -