How to Generate As Much Free Traffic As Your Server Can Stand...

By Jimmy D. Brown

There's no question that THE best web site traffic is the traffic that OTHER PEOPLE send you.

When affiliates and joint venture partners send their best subscribers and customers to your site, it's as good as is gets. (It's free, it's targeted and it's effortless!)

I've actually witnessed first-hand a server getting so much traffic that it forced the site to temporarily shut down!

So, getting others to send their visitors to your site should be a top priority on your internet marketing agenda.

The question is: "where can these affiliates and partners be found?"

Short answer:

I've found to be the best free research tool on the planet for finding new affiliates and JV partners.

There are (at least) seven ways to search Google's massive database for potential partners:

1. POPULAR PRODUCTS. Conduct a search for the title of your competitors' products to see which sites are actively promoting those products. 

Those who are already promoting similar products are likely candidates to promote yours. (And, they are obviously already familiar with affiliate marketing - especially important in "niches")

- Ex. If your product is about "niche marketing" do a search for "Nicheology".

2. ARTICLE TITLES. Conduct a search for the title of articles related to your product. Identify which sites are currently showcasing those articles and see if they will load your article to their site as well. 

(Note: You can find article titles at popular article directories such as

- Ex. If you've got an article related to free traffic, do a search for "How to Sell 300% More Of Your Product in 72 Hours Than You Did All Month". (Use quotations)

3. ACCESSORIES. Conduct a search for items that are related to your offer, but not identical to your offer. 

- Ex. If your product is about "web site templates", do a search for "hosting" or "salesletters".

4. ADVERTISING. Conduct a search for terms that are related to your product and then look for those who are currently advertising using Google's Adwords(R). (The tiny ads in the right margin of the browser window). 

These will be more experienced marketers and more likely to be open to a joint venture proposal.

- Ex. If your product is related to "dieting" then search for "diet", "diet program", "weight loss", "exercise", "lose weight", etc.

5. AUTHORS AND EXPERTS. Conduct a search for the names of well known authors and experts within your field of interest. 

You'll likely find NUMEROUS sites mentioning that expert ranging from promoting their products to posting their articles to making comments about their influence. Look specifically for those who are using affiliate links.

- Ex. If your product is related to "internet marketing" then search for "Jimmy D. Brown".

6. URLs. Conduct a search for a word or phrase related to your topic of interest in the URL of the sites listed in Google's database. 

You can do this by using the search string, "inurl". I.E. inurl:"travel discounts" This will return a listing of all indexed URL listings that contain that phrase.

- Ex. If your product is about "rose gardening" do a search for inurl:"rose gardening".

7. TIPS AND ARTICLES. Conduct a search for a combination of a word or phrase related to your topic of interest, along with the words "tips" and "articles". I.E. "marketing tips", "time management articles".

- Ex. If your product is about "UFOs" do a search for "UFO articles".

Finding affiliates and joint venture partners is a MUST for anyone wanting to drive massive amounts of traffic to their site.

And using's search features makes it easier than ever.

Jimmy D. Brown is the owner of the "List And Traffic" membership site, teaching thousands of internet business owners specific things they can do every week to multiply profits. 

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