What sort of response do you
normally get from paid email campaigns?
Question - What sort of response do you think I'll get from a mail promotion like this?
Answer - Sorry, I couldn't even guess at what sort of response you'd get to an email drop. It depends on your offer, your list choice, the day of the week it's sent and lots of other stuff.
The less your mailing looks like an ad, the better. No guarantees because i haven't tested this exact wording with this product myself, but I'd say something like.
Have you seen that guy who's bragging about getting all of his Google advertising for free?
If you use Google Adwords, and you are sick of paying through the nose you might want to look at this
I know, not your typical ad and as I said I HAVEN'T used this in an email campaign to this market, so you might want to test ad copy that's more 'conventional' but I know this style of 'friendly advice' ad works well in may niches.
Plus people haven't seen it from marketers much, it's like a friend sent them a
note through Facebook or MySpace...