More Niche Research Ideas...

Below I've listed some more great resources for finding and researching niches for your new Solo Build It website if you are coming up blank so far.

But first, please take a few minutes to watch this video. These are my latest thoughts on finding a profitable niche.

One of the most important things I can tell you as you do your research is this - pick battles you can win... In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

When nobody else is doing it properly in a market, or you don't have a lot of competition, all you have to do is follow the fundamentals of building a successful business and the Solo Build It process and you will clean up.

While everyone else is slogging it out in the most difficult markets (golf, sport, travel, dogs, cats, sales, ring tones, student loans, mortgages, credit cards, insurance, marketing and Internet marketing are included in these) there are literally MILLIONS of markets that are crying out for people to build sites and service them.

By fundamentals I mean things like -

  • Building properly optimized web pages built around keywords that people are searching for when they are about to BUY something

  • Having as your site's Most Wanted Response getting your visitor to join your newsletter or a Mini course of some kind instead of trying to sell them something on the first visit. This gives you multiple chances of making sales long-term to the same person

  • Knowing something (or better still, a LOT) about the market are interested in so you can brand yourself as an expert, if not immediately, then at least over a period of time

  • Being passionate about the market to be able to write about it every day, or at least three times a week, without getting bored with it

Now of course, within all the the markets I mentioned above there will be smaller, much easier niche markets to work in.

Golf has - Clubs, putters, holidays, training (swing, mental, fitness, putting, driving, fairway shots, etc.), balls, buggies (lots of scope here), clothes, hats, memorabilia, and probably hundreds of other golf niches I can't even think of.

The other niches I mentioned above are the same - many different topics inside the main niche.

These are the battles you can win...

To find your perfect niche, start by listing everything you've ever done - 

  • every club you've been in

  • every association you've worked in

  • every holiday spot you've enjoyed

  • every job you've ever had

  • every business you've thought you'd like to own (or have owned)

  • every consultant or contractor you've ever hired

  • every hobby you've ever had

  • every game you've ever played

  • every sport you've watched and/or enjoyed

  • you get the idea...

Your perfect niche is there, and you WILL find it. You've just got to unlock it from your memory and bring it out to where you can see it more easily.

If you are stuck, it's always a good idea to spend a couple of hours visiting the Sitesell Results website and sift through the niche markets other people have built top ranking Solo Build It sites around.

As you search, look for sub-niches in the main markets these sites are built around (like the ones I mentioned above for golf) and see what you come up with.

I recently read a great blog post about finding the perfect market from my mentor Perry Marshall. Read his thoughts by visiting this page

Here are some of the places I've used to find
profitable, hot niche markets...

Two I use regularly are the Want It Now section in eBay at

Two more of my favorite places to search for ideas are: and

There's a mine of information and inspiration inside the directory at

Just pick a general subject, go to that section and then burrow down through the levels. It always sparks off an idea or two.

The Yahoo News Most Popular is a good source of popular current events. You can often find current stories about long term trends that are great for autoresponder messages and customer/prospect follow up messages.

To find it, go to and click on the 'Most popular' tab on the far right.

Of course, has heaps of topics covering just about everything you can imagine. A great place for ideas...

You can also do your research by asking your friends what they are into and what they search for online. You'll no doubt get ideas from them that could turn into profitable products.

The AOL hotsearch page can yield all sorts of ideas. Visit at

Ehow ( is a network of experts giving advice on a wide range of topics - check it out.

Education and Online Classes or College Programs available are also great for generating ideas. Visit and for a start.

I hope this helps you to find the perfect niche market for your Solo Build It website.

To your success,


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