Can you give me your thoughts on using paid email drops to drive traffic?

Question - I have built an optin page and I'm thinking of using a paid email drop to about 350,000 people to drive traffic to it. I'll be selling an affiliate product after people optin to my list. Can you give me your thoughts on this strategy and if my site looks OK?

Answer - Your site looks fine for sending people from an email drop. It will probably get penalized by Google if you try to send traffic from them because it doesn't have much content, but for an email drop it will be fine.

Let me preface this by saying you have to be careful who you get to send your emails.

There are a lot of people who tell you their lists are all true, double optin lists, but they are just spamming people instead. This can get you in a whole lot of trouble very quickly so make sure they are legit before you get anything done.

One company that is good is Frank Kern recommends them and they do good work. Not cheap but something to think about and great for FAST traffic.

They are the only ones I know of for sure that are above board.