Try these tips for selling
Solo Build It through your website
Question - I'm having lots of trouble
making sales of Solo Build It. Have you got any tips that can help me?
Answer - We tried for over three years
to sell SBI to no avail - we never sold even one in all that time! Then we
changed strategy and it is working out quite well.
Here's what we do now...
We offer a 7 day mini course that introduces 7 of the Case Studies and then gives tips on how others can follow along in their footsteps to achieve similar results for themselves.
Each page of the course is hosted on our site (we tried getting people to download 7 .PDF's hoping that they would be more viral but it was a nightmare, so we created a page for each lesson and it's working much better) and we send an daily email to subscribers containing the link to the lesson.
The lesson gives a brief intro to the subject covered in the Case Study, then gives readers the link to the actual case study page (which means our cookie isn't set yet
which can be a problem), and follows up with a brief summary with action steps to take, plus links to additional related Sitesell pages (which are through our RR URL).
After the 7 day course is finished, we say in message 8 -
Subject Line - Firstname, There's more to come...
Body copy - Congratulations! You've finished the first seven lessons of our Mini Course and now know lots of ways of turning your love of (insert niche market here) into a pr0fitable business using the Internet.
But don't worry, we're not done yet.
We've added quite a bit of additional training material to this course that we'll be sharing with you over the next several weeks and months.
If you decide you don't want to receive the additional reports, articles, lessons, tips and
announcements, then you may unsubscr*be at any time.
Otherwise, let's get started with another lesson entitled -
3 Things You Must Have In Order To Profit Your Love Of (insert niche market here)
To read this bonus article, please visit -
...and then I give them the link to the next article.
The unsubscribe rate is very low because the articles all give useful information. There are currently 17 messages in the follow up series and more will be added as we have sold SBI's out to message 15 - follow up really works.
Plus in these follow up messages we add in recommendations for other products and services of interest to the market as well.
After the initial 7 days with day 8 being the first extra article telling people there's more to come, we send messages twice a week - at three days then 4 days, until the series completes.
We've sold several SBI's like this, so it works as long as you provide relevant content to your market and keep at it interesting
I want to point out that these messages are not related to Business Opportunities or the work at home crowd - they go to specific non-business related niche markets (there are millions to test) and do convert people into buyers (we use
Sitesell's TrackIt Module to track sales).
We will be expanding into other markets but it's finding the time that's the problem.
Bottom Line: Using the Case Studies sites DO really work on converting people into SBI owners, but you can't do it with one shot.
You need to get interested people to raise their hands - get them onto a list, then send them to the site several times and give them lots of ideas so they can take ownership of the idea and see themselves doing it...
And finally, we offer people who buy through our affiliate link some personal coaching and support to help them get the most out of SBI.
This does mean that we invest time in the process, but the residual commissions SBI gives do make it worthwhile - and many people never ask for our help anyway, so it's not a time huge commitment, and it does help to increase our SBI sales.
Hope this helps.