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Welcome To My Brand New SBI! Mastery Coaching Program!
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structured, intensive Solo Build It coaching to fast-track your success? Click
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You may not realize it yet but you've made a giant step towards your future success!
By using Solo Build It for your website you're way ahead of thousands of other website owners
out there whose sites never see a visitor, never rank well in a search engine, and never make a dime.
This series of email coaching lessons is designed to help you through the various phases of building your
new website (or improving your existing website :-) and hopefully answer some of your questions before you have to ask them.
Before we continue, please take a moment to listen to a short personal
message from me. Just turn up your speakers and click on the Play button below -
The CTPM process outlined in the SBI Action Guide consists of 10 'days' of work, divided into 4 phases -
Creating Content, Building Traffic, PREselling your visitors and then Monetizing those visitors in various
ways, ultimately creating multiple streams of income for you to spend or invest as you please ;-)
This series of email lessons will walk you through the process of using Dr. Ken Evoy's
Solo Build It! (SBI!) website building system with the goal of helping you to create a website that works so well you'll be happy
to recommend SBI to your friends.
Each phase builds on the one before it; all the lessons are set to be delivered on a schedule in order to keep
your momentum always moving forward - if the lessons come too fast for you, please don't worry, just store
them for future use when you are ready.
And of course, if they come too slowly for you, just keep powering ahead using the Action Guide as your
The Solo Build It system involves reading, researching, brainstorming, and writing content and articles. Every
facet of your journey is broken down into do-able steps that have been successfully
traveled by thousands of Solo Build It users before you.
The system just works...
For fastest results, try to plan a minimum of 10 hours a week to complete the steps in the Action Guide. This
will give you ample time to lay the solid foundation that you'll need for future success.
Of course, if you don't have that much time, or if you want to go at it full time, please feel free to fit
building your website into your schedule.
The primary goal of these lessons and the SBI process is to have your web business earning money for you.
The more time you put in on the front end - the better the return on the backend.
Congratulations on starting your SBI journey, I'm looking forward to working with you and I wish you all of
the success in the world.
Before I sign off today, I wanted to give you the link for you to go and
download your ebook bonus package.
It will pay for you to create a new file on your desktop where you can safely
store these resources so you can find them (and others I'll be sending you
throughout this coaching course) easily when you need them.
To grab your ebook package, visit
this page.
That's it for today, until tomorrow,
P.S. If you can't wait for tomorrow's lesson
and you'd like to get started right now, feel free to visit
the coaching lessons home page and select Lesson 2,
where we'll get right into your coaching program and watch the 4 Keys To
Building A Successful Solo Build It Site video series.
These videos will help you to get your new SBI
site on the right track to start with if you are just getting started, or help
you to pinpoint where your problem areas are if you already have your site up
and running, bit it's not performing as well as you expected.