Covering your butt with a Website
Disclaimer and Privacy Policy...

As I've mentioned in Lesson 10, you need both a website disclaimer and a Privacy Policy on your website to protect yourself from people who just want to do you harm.

I used Autoweblaw for mine, but if you don't have a spare hundred dollars lying around, here's an alternative (courtesy of my friend Kathryn :-).

To create your own free Website Disclaimer, visit - 

To create your own free Privacy Policy, visit -


Please note that you should read these Privacy Policy and Website Disclaimer page's Terms Of Use carefully before you use them. 

If you want to be absolutely certain that your Privacy Policy and Website Disclaimer will cover you, then the paid product I use called Autoweblaw is a great solution, but you can't beat the price of these two...Free!

Either way, make sure that the first pages you add to your site are a valid Privacy Policy and Website Disclaimer - you never know what nut cases are lurking around :-)

Hope this article helps.

Until next time,

Warmest regards,