What About These Strange
Keyword Phrases The Solo Build It
Brainstormer Brings Back?

Question - Should the link library contain the EXACT keyword as it appears on the MKL? For instance, one of mine is 'birthday gift wife'. Should that remain as it is, or should I change it to a more 'realistic' search version?

Answer - Make the words read correctly. As long as they are in the keyword phrase, it doesn't matter what order the words are in and it makes it infinitely easier to write your pages without sounding like you're crazy or trying to stack the page with text that doesn't make sense :-)

For example, a keyword phrase such as san health francisco spa might come up for your health site.

By changing your page to be called san-francisco-health-spa.html, it will still rank the same for the keyword phrase, and it will make it simple to optimize the content of the page around the keyword.