I'm stuck writing the content for my home page - HELP!

Question - I'm not sure how to set up the content of my home page. Do you have any tips that will help?

Answer - If you have registered your domain name and you are at the stage (or just past the stage) of building your home page, here are two important articles you should read that will help you to set the tone for your whole website.

The first article by Ken Evoy is entitled Find Your Voice And VPP... Sparkle and Shine.

The second one, also by Ken, is called Voice and VPP (Part 2), Lessons From Chicago.

Use your Solo Build It username and password to log into the Solo Build It Tips and Techniques HQ (just click on the links above and you'll be prompted for your login details), and read through these two valuable, incisive articles.

Once you understand how important finding and releasing your own personal 'voice' is, your website will be truly an extension of yourself and will help you find your true place on the Web...