"Crystal Synergy Cream Can Relieve
Your Neck Pain Fast..."

This secret cream based on an ancient Mayan formula
will fix your neck pain, or it's free...

From: Harvey Kushner

Monday, 9.22 am

Dear Friend,

If you suffer from chronic neck pain, and you'd like to find relief without resorting to expensive medications or dangerous surgery, this could be the most important letter you'll ever read.

Here's why...

Let's face it, having neck pain sucks!

Some days you feel like there's no point in searching for a remedy any longer and you worry that you'll never find relief. It can get you so depressed that you just can't seem to function like a normal person any more.

You're often angry or irritable, and little things that used to slip right on by seem to grate on your nerves and upset you much more than they used to.

You're at your wits end and nothing you do seems to have any effect, and the future looks like more of the same without any respite from that nagging, all consuming pain you suffer through every day.

Having read the horror stories from people who've had surgery and other medical procedures for chronic pain, I thought there must have been a better way to get pain relief before taking such drastic steps.

Of course, in same cases, surgery is the only option, but for many people, finding relief from their neck pain is as simple as applying an easy to use, natural cream.

Finally, Neck Pain Relief From A Simple Cream?

Around 14 years I stumbled onto a little known 'secret' formula for a cream that uses crystals and gemstones to promote natural healing and pain relief. I know that might sound strange to you, but it's true.

I'd heard of what is now called Vibrational Medicine, and this formula was said to tap into this system and work with the body's own energy to relieve pain and heal the body, without the use of potentiall harmful drugs or medical procedures.

After a lot of study and experimentation, I created a cream based on this formula, and found that it did indeed help to relieve pain for the people I cared about most.

Crystal Synergy Cream Was Born...

I called this cream Crystal Synergy, and for the last 12 years I've been selling it at markets and other venues to thousands of happy customers.

I've had such fantastic feedback that I've decided to offer Crystal Synergy Cream to pain sufferers from this website in the hope that I can help you to get the pain relief you deserve.

So, what is Crystal Synergy Cream and how can it help you? 

The crystals and gemstones in Crystal Synergy cream work to heal and energize your body as they interact with your body's own energy to promote a state of excellent, pain free health

Crystal Synergy contains only 100% natural, organic ingredients so there's no dangerous chemicals to harm your body

It's quick and easy to apply, and is a non greasy cream so there's no mess or waste. Just apply a small amount to the pain affected area for fast relief

It's been recommended by experts including Naturopathic Physicians, Chiropractors, Physical Therapists, Massage Therapists and Reiki Masters for fast, soothing pain relief

Here's Proof That Crystal Synergy Cream Works

Thousands of people have found pain relief from using Crystal Synergy Cream. Here is what some of my customers had to say (these are copies of the actual letters I've received) -

Massage Therapy Pain Relief Letter

Back Pain Relief Letter

 Leg Pain Relief Letter

Barbara Flory Pain Relief Letter

Insoles Pain Relief Letter

*OUR LAWYERS INSIST WE MAKE THE FOLLOWING DISCLAIMER: These results ARE NOT TYPICAL. Some users may receive little or no benefit at all from using Crystal Synergy Cream. Individual results will vary greatly, however, if you order the cream and it does not work for your particular pain problem, please let us know and we will be happy to refund your money in full.

Crystal Synergy Cream works for these people and many more, and you'll find it will work for you too.

Now you don't have to put up with your neck pain any longer...

A 1.7oz jar of Crystal Synergy cream costs just $25.95 and I'll pay for fast shipping to your door anywhere in the United States.

There's no need to suffer with neck pain any longer. Try Crystal Synergy for yourself and see how well it works for you.

Now you might be a little sceptical about what I've shared with you in this letter, and I don't blame you. So that's why I'm going to offer you...

My Crazy 90 Day I’ll Buy it Back Guarantee

I'm never satisfied unless you are more than satisfied. So here's my simple “No Small Print” guarantee. 

Try Crystal Synergy today and see for yourself what it's like to finally be pain free. Use the cream every time you have neck pain (or any other type of pain) for a full 3 months.

You be the judge. If Crystal Synergy doesn't work as well as I've promised, or if you're unhappy with it for any reason, just let me know and I'll immediately buy it back from you for $30 cash (more than your original purchase price).

I have no problem making this iron-clad guarantee because I've personally seen how many people have been helped by Crystal Synergy, so I know it will work for you. Fair enough?

What to do next...

To claim your jar of Crystal Synergy pain relief cream right now, simply have your credit card ready and click on the orange button below.

You will be taken instantly to our 100% secure online order form. Fill out the short form and your Crystal Synergy cream will be on the way to you within 24 hours. 

When you receive it, make sure you apply it immediately and you'll start seeing relief from your neck pain right away.

You know, a friend's mother used to say that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and over again, and expecting a different result. Isn't that true?

Are you doing the same things to try to relieve your neck pain with no real results? If you are then it's finally time to try something different...

I'm truly looking forward to hearing about your results with Crystal Synergy cream. Grab some today and see why so many other users have been happy to get their lives back...

Warm regards

Harvey Kushner 

P.S. Crystal synergy pain relieving cream has been successfully used by people from all walks of life to relieve their nagging neck and back pain. If you are sick of suffering day after day, try it for yourself and feel what it's like to be pain free again. 

P.P.S. Remember Crystal Synergy Cream is the only product that uses natural crystals and gemstones to aid your body's ability to heal itself. It’s been used by people just like you to relieve their pain quickly and effectively for the last 12 years. What’s more it’s 100% guaranteed or I'll buy it back from you. 

You owe it to yourself to finally try something different and get real relief from your nagging neck pain. Get your Crystal Synergy cream today by ordering below...

P.P.P.S. A few days from now, you'll be looking back on this as one of the most important decisions you've ever made. You'll have relief from your constant neck pain and you'll be able to have a normal life again. Now it’s your turn to live pain free...

Oh and by the way, if you were wondering, yes we are a real company. Here is our company information.

Advanced Crystal Therapies
Traders World Building 5
6300 Marshall Road
Centerville, Ohio 45459

If you have any questions about Crystal Synergy, call us in the US from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Central Standard Time, Monday through Friday, at: 937-312-1009. Or send us an email.

NOTE: Crystal Synergy is the only topical pain relieving cream made from the finest selection of powderized crystals and gemstones. Nobody else can offer you this product, it's available exclusively through us

DISCLAIMER: In the interests of full disclosure and to comply with recent FTC regulation changes, we wish you advise you that this website will receive referral fees from Crystal Synergy Cream Products when sales are made.