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Solo Build It Mastery Coaching Lesson 40 - Why You Need Both Paid And Free Search Engine Marketing 

Hello and welcome to this lesson.

As we've discussed many times, getting organic search engine traffic (some call it FREE traffic, but nothing is really takes time to create the content to generate this so-called FREE traffic - bottom line, it's NOT free traffic) is something that the Solo Build It system does very well if you follow the Action Guide and the lessons in this coaching program.

However, which keywords are the best to build content for?

We've discussed using long-tail, or multi-word, specific 'buying keywords' to attract targeted buyers to your website in earlier lessons. 

Now getting them to your site is one thing, but are they actually going to convert into buyers or subscribers?

You'll never be able to find out whether your free listings will be worth it if you don't sample some paid listings first. 

One of the biggest time wasters in building a web business is doing a lot of keyword research for a search phrase, find that it gets lots of traffic and seems like a good candidate for a page on your site, only to find out that when you get the page ranking for that keyword phrase, the visitors won't convert into subscribers or buy your stuff.

A better strategy is to use your Google Adwords account and bid on that keyword until at least 200 visitors have passed through your landing page. 

If they subscribe at a decent rate, and if those subscribers become buyers of the products or services you recommend, you know you have a good keyword to target. 

If it's a keyword that's worth targeting, you'll do well to add a page on it to your website and getting that page working for you generating organic search engine traffic.

And what do you need to know about paying for search results? 

The best bet to start with is to grab a copy of Perry Marshall's Free Adwords Mini Course and read it before you bid at Google.

How do you get good search positions for your site? 

Well this covered in the Action Guide and in detail in the Page Optimization lesson.

Bottom line: If you really want to build content for the optimum keywords in your niche, test them first with paid traffic, and only then take the time to build optimized content for them.

Same goes if you are selling a product or service from your site through a sales page - test the page's conversion using paid traffic before you ask affiliates or Joint Venture partners promote it. 

By having your sales process in order before you bring in partners to drive traffic, you will have happy partners who will help you to promote your future products as well.

Use their traffic to test the process, and if it doesn't convert into sales, you'll burn the relationship and have a hard time finding partners to help you in the future...

I hope this lesson helps you to increase your website's profits.

Until next week,


P.S. And don't forget, you can review any of the other lessons in this coaching course by visiting this page.