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Solo Build It Mastery Coaching Lesson 6 -
The Importance Of Finding Your 'Voice' ...
And Optimizing Those Pages For Great
Search Engine Rankings

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Hello again, welcome to lesson six...this is a BIG one, so it may take you several days to get through the lesson and related reading. 

No problem, just work at your own pace...

NOTE - This Lesson is for both new and existing SBI owners 

So, how's it going? With a bit of luck now you've decided on your niche (or the 'starving crowd' you'll be targeting in your current niche), chosen and registered your perfect domain name, and have started building your website's pages.

If not, don't worry. There's plenty of time :-)

Just keep working your way through the Action Guide and moving forward.

Before we go on, please take 2 minutes to listen to an audio message from me. Turn up your speakers and hit the 'Play' button below -

If you have registered your domain name and you are at the stage (or just past the stage) of building your site's pages, here are two important articles you should read that will help you to set the tone for your whole website.

The first article by Ken Evoy is entitled Find Your Voice And VPP... Sparkle and Shine.

The second one, also by Ken, is called Voice and VPP (Part 2), Lessons From Chicago.

Use your SBI username and password to log into the SBI Tips and Techniques HQ (just click on the links above and you'll be prompted for your login details), and read through these two valuable, incisive articles.

Once you understand how important finding and releasing your own personal 'voice' is, your website will be truly an extension of yourself and will help you find your true place on the Web...

Here's How To 'Really' Optimize Your Website's Pages...

The SBI Action Guide gives a good introduction to optimizing your site, but here are a couple of additional tips I've found to work extremely well.

Over time, Google changes what it looks for as it tries to give it's users what they call a 'Quality User Experience', and with all the competition for searcher's eyeballs these days, it's becoming more important to have a compelling OFFER in your page's Title and Description tags (which is actually your ADVERTISEMENT in the search listings) to get people to click through to your site.

Make it benefit laden and encourage people to click through to your site to learn more - 

For example. for a car repair site, with a primary keyword for a page on car repairs, your Title tag might say
Need Car Repairs? Wondering What's Wrong With Your Car? 
Your Keywords tag might contain
car repairs, whats wrong with my car, help fix my car
Your Description might say
We can help you to tame the repair beast with answers to your questions and valuable tips & information on getting your car repaired
Your description MUST contain the page's primary keyword at least once, or Google will choose some other part of your page content to show in it's search results. If you have the main keyword (near the beginning) and a couple of 'helper' keywords in your description, Google will normally include the description you want in their search results, increasing the chances of people clicking on your listing and visiting your site.

Once you've set up your Title, Keyword and Description tags like this, put your main keyword into the first paragraph and if possible, the second paragraph of your page's body copy, making sure that it makes sense to your reader.

Add ONE of your related keywords to your first paragraph (so you have a total of TWO closely keyword phrases there). Then add your second related keyword to your second paragraph.

Sprinkle an occasional TOPIC related throughout the text of your article and then put two or three of your main keywords into the final paragraph if you can while making your page read well. Then move on to the next page.

The Formula For Creating Great PREselling Articles

A proven formula for creating great PREselling articles is -

Step 1 - Outline and aggravate the problem so your reader feels even more determined to solve it today

Step 2 - Offer several options for solving the problem, none of which are your preferred option, and some of which clearly are NOT what your reader would want to do (if they are sane that is)

Step 3 - Offer your preferred option, and clearly explain (using examples of possible and appropriate) why it is your preferred one

Step 4 - Give your readers a step-by-step guide on how to achieve some for of results so they can feel a sense of achievement quickly.

Step 5 - Tell them how they can get more information and even greater results by visiting your affiliate merchant or your sales page

If you follow this formula, your PREselling articles will guide your prospects safely through the process you want them to follow and lead them to click through to your money pages (either affiliate links or your own sales pages).

NOTE - You can use this proven formula with devastating results when submitting articles to article directories and ezine publishers too. Just make your resource box point to a dedicated optin page on your site, and offer more free information or a free report related to the content of the article the person just read.

This killer one-two punch will see people opting in from your articles in droves to learn more about you and what you have to offer...

Remember to follow the page optimization formula as well to get superior Search Engine results while helping your readers to BUY from you. 

Now, watch the video...

Also, please take a few minutes to watch this Camtasia video on setting your pages up to rank well.

If the audio starts before the video is visible, please restart the video once you can see it by hitting stop button and then choosing play again.

OK, visit this page to watch the video

That's it for this lesson. I'll be back in a week or so with the next instalment of your coaching course.

In the mean time, take some time out from building your site to visit Marney's site at Artella Words And

Look at how she talks with her customers and recommends her merchants. She has a unique 'voice' that you should also try to develop for your new site.

Roam around Marney's site for a while and I'm sure you'll find several ideas you can model for your own site in the future. Ok, here's the link -

Related Questions And Answers 

Lots of questions today. Some of them might be applicable to you...

Can you give me a quick, 5 minute lesson on setting up my page structure? Yes, watch the videos from this page

Do all my pages have to include variations of my main keyword or can I go a little off topic with them? Watch the video

I'm having trouble re-sizing and then uploading graphics into SBI using the Graphics Library. How can I make the graphic file sizes smaller so SBI accepts them? Watch the video

Not sure about the importance of optimizing your graphics? Watch this video tutorial...

How do I know which keywords are best to build my tier three pages around? Watch these video tutorials

How do I submit my site to Yahoo using their .xml feed? I've been through Search Engine HQ but I need help. Watch the video tutorial from this page

How do I use the SBI Page Manager function to sort my pages into folders? Watch the tutorial

Do I need hyphens in my domain name? Read more

How can I check to see if the domain name I want to use will infringe on anyone's copyright? Does the Autoweblaw program help me with this? Read More

I seem to stuck at the site concept keyword. My first thought was to build a site about Classical Guitar - Specialize in its Technique. Can you help? Read More

How Many Keywords Should I Use When I'm Building A Page? Read More

What about changing the size of pictures, copyright and tier 2 and 3 pages...? Read More

How Do I resize and then upload graphics to my SBI Website? Read More

Could you please give me some tips on building a music related site?... Note - This Answer Is Applicable Too Many Niche Markets. Read More

My art and drawing site concept consists mainly of pictures and not a lot of words for content. Is this going to be a problem? Read More

That's it for today,

Until next time,

Take care,

P.S. Having problems? If you'd like a hand with anything to do with getting your Solo Build It site up and running, make sure you visit my services page to see how I can assist you in getting the most out of Solo Build It.

P.P.S. And if you want to move on with the next lesson, or review any of the other lessons in this coaching course, you can by visiting this page.