How To Increase The Response To Your Link Exchange Requests By 200% To 500% Or More...

Today's lessons is a big one, so grab a drink and settle in...let's get started.

By now you should have started setting up link exchanges with website owners in similar niche markets as you're own

Today I'm going to share my secret link exchange request letter and show you how to multiply the response rate you are getting from your link exchange request email messages.

If you've sent out a lot of link exchange requests, or you've chosen the 'yes' button to send an email message from inside Sitesell's Value Exchange control panel, you'll know what a king size pain in the butt it is to get people to respond to your requests and link to you, especially if your site is new.

I found that by using the automatic email message sending function inside Value Exchange I was getting about a 1% or 2% response rate. Now I get a 20% or higher response rate every time I use this secret letter!

Today, I'm going to show you that letter and tell you exactly how to use it to increase your positive response rate to link exchange requests by 200% to 500% or even more.

First, I'll show you the letter I use, then I'll share two recent responses from webmasters who took me up on my link exchange proposal.

Ok, here's the letter I send to people I find in Value Exchange who I want to link with -

Subject: John - An invitation to join my Premium Partners

Hi John,

I came across your website at while looking through Sitesell's Value Exchange and I enjoyed reading some of your articles. I think my visitors will find your site valuable as well.

I'm building a brand new lifestyle portal site at (it's only a few weeks old but will eventually have several hundred pages) and I'd like to invite you to become one of my premium partners.

What's a premium partner?

It's a reciprocal link exchange with a difference...

Instead of putting the link to your site somewhere on a links page with 100 others (where nobody will ever see it), I'll put a link to your website on my home page at - where my visitors will see it as they read through and you'll have a great chance of some of them actually visiting your site.

To see how this looks in practice, visit this page which is devoted to chess - you'll see I've got 5 premium partners listed in the table near the bottom of the page -

There will never be more than 10 premium partners on any one page, so you'll have a good chance of earning some link popularity and ultimately Google PageRank from this link over time.

Because the site is so new, it doesn't yet have a Google PageRank score of it's own, but in the near future it will have as I build more and more content and attract other link partners into my premium partners program.

If you would like to exchange links with me and become one of my premium partners before all the spots are filled, I'll happily put your link up first. Just let me know and I'll get right on it. Or, if you'd like to link to me first, please use this html code -

At Hobby and you'll find an ever expanding range of topics covered everything from pet ownership to travel and lots of other things in between

Thanks for your time in reading this proposal John. Looking forward to a long association with you,

Cheers and best wishes,

Rocky Tapscott

P.S. Do you have any other websites that may also be a good fit for a link exchange? I'd be happy to place a link to all your sites if you would like to link back to us.

Now let me explain the psychology of this letter.

1) First, the intriguing subject line.

John is thinking, "What on earth is a Premium Partner?" His curiosity will get the better of him and he will open the email even though he doesn't know me.

2) Next, I mention something about his site so he knows I've actually visited it and this isn't just a crank email or a piece of spam.

3) Then I explain what a premium partner is and how he will benefit from exchanging links with me.

4) I then give him an example of what his link will look like so he can see before he agrees to link with me.

5) I tell him that each page will only ever have a maximum of 10 Premium Partner's links and the opportunity is therefore limited. This puts urgency into the mix and if he's interested he will reply ASAP.

6) I explain why my site has no Google PageRank (it's brand new) and assure him that it will have soon because I'm actively building lots of content and seeking incoming links.

7) I tell him that I'll put his link up first if he want's me to, but just in case he is happy to go ahead I give him the exact HTML code he can use to put my link on his website first while it's at the top of his mind.

8) I thank him again and tell him I'm looking forward to our partnership.

That's all there is to it. Please feel free to copy any part of this letter you need to send to your own potential Premium Partners.

Important Note - your link text is critical.

This is why you want to give it to your link partner in your email so he doesn't go off and just put any old thing in there…

Hints On Creating Super Link Text

Build a new page using your Solo Build It page builder (call it test or something like that) and copy the HTML code from the box below into a new text block.

Now hit preview.

You'll see the link says…

At Hobby and you'll find an ever expanding range of topics covered everything from pet ownership to travel and lots of other things in between

…with the words Hobby and as a hyperlink.

The hyperlink goes to the home page of my site where the keywords are hobby and lifestyle. These words are called Anchor Text.

I use different link text for each page my partners link to but you don't have to go that far just yet. Just have people link to your home page and use your home page's keywords for now…

Remember - You want the Anchor Text to be the keywords you are using on the page the link goes to.

If your site is about Yoga, your link might say something like -

One of the amazing things about yoga is that despite the great benefits that it produces, it costs nothing to participate. For free tips on Yoga and how to practice injury free, visit us at

Your hyperlink is the word Yoga (not your URL - and the link goes to a page whose main keyword is yoga (your home page).

The HTML code for this link is -

One of the amazing things about yoga is that despite the great benefits that it produces, it costs nothing to participate. For free tips on Yoga and how to practice injury free, visit us at

This link will open in a new window (that's what the target="_blank" does) and will give you much better link leverage than linking using any other method.

Ok, back to the responses I received from two of my potential link partners. 

Here's the email message I received from John -

Hi Rocky,

I have placed your links on each of my websites as follows, and see my link insertion code for each also, note I do not have links pages and all links are on popular content pages

Home Appliances and Kitchen Aids Home-appliance repair, money saving self-help advice for kitchen-appliances, washing-machines, dishwashers, cookers, ovens, refrigerators. How to check and troubleshoot before calling the serviceman

Fishing and Boats All you ever needed to know about fishing, boats, yachts, boat electrical and marine electronics from John Payne, one of the worlds leading marine electrical engineers.

Camping, Hiking and RV-camping Information Go camping, hiking, RV-camping. Practical information and resources for camping-trips in Europe, USA, Australia and elsewhere, plus equipment and hiking-gear. All you need to know before you set out and before you buy.

Hobby Crafts and Models All about hobbies, crafts and models, also about collectibles and all those other great pastimes from radio controlled cars to stamp collecting and metal detecting.

The best website for useful and simple information on buying and looking after your pets, cats and dogs. This site also covers rodents, reptiles, goats, horses, fish, birds, farm animals, insects and other exotic pets.

Arts-and-crafts-and-Gifts All about arts-and-crafts and unique-gifts from around the world, gifts-for-women, mother-day-gift or funny-gifts, here are great gift-ideas for all occasions. Also great practical information on getting started with arts-and-crafts and handicrafts from painting to pottery.

This should help us both



Wow - John put links to my new site on 6 of his most popular content pages on 6 different sites!

I'll guarantee that won't happen using the standard Value Exchange form email :-)

Ok, here's another response I received -

Hi Rocky,

(cool name by the way!) I'm very interested in your proposal, I have been to look at your site and have actually read your articles about blogging and followed some really interesting links, as I have just set up my won blogging website, so thank you for that.

I was so impressed that I thought that I wouldn't just add you to my links page, if we are going to have this special link partnership, seeing as your website is all about pets, I have added you to my all about dogs section on the main index page of that section of my website.

It has a pr4 so it should do your ranking some good (better than links pages)

So this is the url -

Let me know what you think. My details are below, let em know when you are up and running!
Pet Portrait Artist Melanie Phillips - Professional pet portrait artist creating realistic pet portraits in oils, pencil and coloured pencil. Commission Melanie and watch your pet portrait develop on her website and view the final piece before its sent to you! Secure online ordering. Free worldwide delivery.

I look forward to hearing form you soon

Kind regards


Isn't that wonderful?

These responses are typical when you approach people the right way. The web is all about partnerships and when you find people who 'get it' your journey is a lot smoother.

Ok, now it's your turn.

Create a premium partners section on one of your pages, preferably your home page to start with (it doesn't have to be inside a box like mine) and start asking people to join you.

If you'd like to include your Premium Partners inside a table like I have done, you can grab the HTML code from inside the text box below -

Visit Our Premium Partners...

And here's what it will look like on your Solo Build It page -

Visit Our Premium Partners...

At Hobby and you'll find an ever expanding range of topics covered everything from pet ownership to travel and lots of other things in between.

Or you can just put your partners links in one below the other without putting them inside a box like I've done here, it doesn't really matter.

If you like you can leave the link to my site where it is and add the links to your partners' sites below it.

Then copy the whole thing into a fresh Solo Build It text block in the position you want it to appear.

If you need a hand doing this, let me know and I'll help as much as I can.

And finally...I'd like to be your first Premium Partner

When you have your site set up and ready, let me know your URL and I'll use some keyword rich Anchor Text to link to your home page from our new Hobby and Lifestyle site.

Ok, that's if for today. You've got some work to do now, but I guarantee if you stick with this it will pay off handsomely in the long run.

Until next time,
