That's All Great, But Is Site
Build It! Right For You?

Well here we are at the end of our mini course. I hope you’ve been inspired to build a web business for yourself and model one (or more than one) of the people you’ve read about over the last few days.

These 6 people offer living proof that you can find a market online for a wide range of diverse topics and build a business you’ll love working on if you follow a proven system.  

Before we continue I'd like to share a heart warming video created by Carla and staring her 6 year old daughter.

Turn up your speakers and hit the 'Play' button below to watch Carla's story...

But is Solo Build It right for you?

Who Should Not Buy SBI?

  • If you have a “teenager mentality” (i.e., someone who gets very excited about an idea, runs with it for a week or two and then loses all interest), SBI will not work for you. You need to be serious about building a business for the system to work for you
  • If you desperately need money within a short period of time (a month or two), SBI is not for you. No ‘real’ business opportunity can provide any sort of reasonable income in such a short period of time, no matter what it’s promoter might tell you…
  • If your nature is to seek instant gratification, SBI will never work for you. Millions of people fall for the Get Rick Quick line and never make a dime. SBI is not like that…
  • If you need to see results immediately to stay motivated and to keep going, SBI is not for you.
  • If you are a “collector” of info products and tools and you never go further than buying and maybe reading a few chapters of the manual, please don’t buy SBI. You won’t do the system justice if you don’t use it…

If you buy SBI, you’ll have to put in the time, energy and effort to implement at least 80% of the strategies.

This should take anywhere from 6 to 12 months or more, depending on how much time you have available

Who Should Buy SBI?

  • Only highly motivated, mature and thinking individuals should buy SBI. You’ll need to have the discipline to work continually, putting in a few hours (read minimum 5 to 10 hours!) a week for at least 6 to 8 months before you’re likely to see good results. But then, as our case studies show, the results can be amazing and a whole new life can open up for you
  • People who want to have a whole new world opened up to them, one that they had no idea existed, should buy SBI. Imagine a teenager earning several thousand dollars a month…
  • People who want to go on the journey of a lifetime and be stimulated, fulfilled, challenged and rewarded like they’ve most probably never been before, should buy SBI
  • People who want to build a business, a business that will take on a life of its own and eventually be a “golden goose”, an asset that their kids can inherit or they could sell, should buy SBI. Just look at how much Nori and our other business owners have added to their income and asset bases with just one or two SBI sites
  • People who want to meet other highly motivated, focused, sharp minded, successful, helpful and friendly humans should buy SBI. The Sitesell Forums are a meeting place for thousands of like-minded individuals all helping and learning from each other. It’s truly an inspiring place to visit…

It doesn’t matter if you have zero experience building a web business, as long as you meet the criteria above, the SBI Action Guide, the Sitesell Forums, and all of the other online help available will guide and coach you to success.

Now if you’ve already decided that Solo Build It is for you and ordered, congratulations, you’re in good company.

If you purchased SBI through one of the links in this mini course or on the bonus page itself, you can visit this page to register your purchase download your bonus package.

If you haven’t decided whether SBI is right for you or not, that’s OK too.

Take your time and think it through.

All I can say is that if all of these people just like you can do this, why not you?

And if you can do it, why not now?

To see hundreds of other examples of people getting on with building their online businesses and succeeding, visit the Sitesell Results page.

There’s plenty of proof there that the system works, as long as you follow it.

And if you haven’t already done so, visit the Solo Build It home page and read all about what Solo Build It is and does.

Think about what it would mean to have your very own business that lets you work when and where you chose to work…

But that’s just the start.

Imagine the head start you’ll have by getting in now while the Internet is still relatively young and carving out your very own piece of virtual real estate…

You can do this, just like Nori, Marney, Judd, John, Jim and Jerry.

Sure there’s a learning curve; every new skill requires that. But it’s not that difficult, as you’ve seen from the diverse range of case study examples I’ve shared with you and the wide range of websites on the Sitesell Results page.

So for now I’ll leave you with this thought…what if you could do this and you didn’t give it a try?

Worst case, if it all falls in a heap, at least you gave it a good try and you can chalk it up to experience…and Sitesell stands behind Solo Build It with a money back guarantee.

And remember, for a limited time, you can grab hundreds of dollars worth of additional bonuses by ordering Solo Build It through this page.

Whatever you decide, I wish you every success for the future,


P.S. And remember, working at a 'normal' job or business means that you usually only get paid once for every hour you work. Building a web business means that you do the work once (if you can call it work, especially if it's something you love doing) and get paid over and over again. You've gotta love that :-)

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