How To Go From Doing Hard
Manual Labor To Web Entrepreneur
And Love What You Do...

Yesterday you read about Dr John Birch, a local dentist who is using his online business to attract new clients to his Mountain View, California practice from up to 120 miles away.

John has become the local authority when it comes to dentistry and his website attracts quite a few new patients each month.

Some of these patients require very expensive dental work, and they often come to John because the content of his website helps to put them at ease and he is seen as an expert in his field.

If you or somebody you know run any sort of service business (a doctor, chiropractor, carpet cleaner, accountant, plumber, electrical contractor…anything at all), a website can help you to promote yourself.

Whether you've been selling your services for years, or thinking about starting…

And whatever your service may be, professional or personal, from the serious to the sublime…

No matter if your clients are from your neighborhood or from another continent…

A website can help you promote your business effectively. John is living proof that it really does work…

If you didn't have a chance to read John Birch's story yesterday, you can now by visiting this page...

Today you’ll meet Judd Burton, who used to work long hours and not make a lot of money for all the effort he was putting into his former business.

He was highly stressed and always under financial pressure. He ran a seasonal asphalt paving business, which meant that he was effectively out of work during the freezing cold winter months up in Montreal, Canada.

Compare that picture to Judd’s life now.

He spends several months a year living in Florida and running his online businesses from there. He also owns a family home on Anguilla, in the British West Indies in the Caribbean (yes the same Anguilla that Nori Evoy writes about) and for part of the year he runs his businesses from there.

How does that sound to you?

Sure beats the 9 to 5 grind, bumper to bumper traffic and all that office politics, doesn’t it?

Ok, let’s get on with Judd’s story…

Case Study #4 – Judd Burton

Judd Burton has made the transformation from The Asphalt Man to The Digital Man in just a couple of years.

He’s taken two things he knew about and built web businesses that give him the freedom to live and work anywhere he chooses…

To read Judd’s original case study, Click Here.

To read his December 2005 update to see how his businesses have grown and prospered, Click Here.

Don’t you just love that?

Let’s look at what Judd says about how much his SBI! sites have changed his life; “Since I first wrote about how SBI transformed me from 'Asphalt man' to 'Digital man', things have simply gone from good to better.

“I am now living a dream life with my family in Anguilla by the beach. No, I'm not rich. I don't own one of those mansions that your daughter talks about on her SBI site. Only suckers believe that "get rich" nonsense -- I know because I used to be one of them.

“But you know what? I have a skill set that allows me to do what I love to do, where I want to do it and when I want to do it (which means when I'm not sailboarding or spending time with my family). I can do this over and over and over again... actually, I have.

“Ken, can you imagine less than two years ago I was slaving with hot asphalt maintaining driveways in the summer and freezing in the winter (and pretty well living from hand to mouth)...... to now living the dream.”

Isn’t that a remarkable transformation?  

Before we move on, please click on the play button below to hear my final thoughts on Judd's website...

Judd certainly has changed his life (and his family’s lives) for the better. Sure it took work and focus, but look at how far he’s come in a short space of time…

Judd has a couple of online businesses already and he has the potential to create many more using the same system.

His original website sells Asphalt products and a ‘Business In A Box’ solution to people who want to start their own Asphalt business.

If you would like to build a business like this for yourself, but you just aren’t sure which direction you should take, this page will give you lots of ideas.

Judd’s Tea Tree Wonders website is where he promotes tea tree products and also a Multi Level Marketing system he is a member of.

If you would like to know how to combine the power of Multi Level Marketing with a web based product sales and lead capture system that takes away the heartache of selling your company’s products and finding a continuous stream of motivated prospects for your MLM down line, Click Here  

And before we go today, I'd like to share another video created by Elad who has now used SBI many times to build profitable web business around his passion.

Watch this video to hear Elad's story...

If Nori, Marney, John, Judd’s (and Elad's) stories have struck a chord with you, you owe it to yourself to give SBI! a try. Click here to check out our bonus offer and order your very own Solo Build It! package.

And if you’ve ordered Solo Build It! already, please visit this page to register your purchase and download your bonus package.

And if you have any questions about whether you can really do this, feel free to contact me by using the Contact Form and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

To your success,

P.S. Don’t miss tomorrow’s article where we’ll look at how Jim Nelson took his passion for Juggling (yes juggling!) and turned it into a business that sells all sorts of juggling related products to a wide range of people.

Then he started another web business focused on parrots and has done the same thing.

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