To The 'Profit
From Your Hobby System' Private Members Area...
Dear Friend,
I'd like to thank you for taking the time to register for
our private members area.
Here's where you can
download some of the best
resources you'll find anywhere to help you turn your hobby into a business available anywhere online ... for free.
You'll also receive regular updates into the future ... for free.
You'll automatically receive...
Ezine issues
Special Reports
Exclusive offers
Important news
As this area
is still very new, we're still adding to the resources
you'll find here. Each time we add something extra, I'll
send you an email message to let you know.
let's get started.
you know, I'm convinced the absolute best way to turn your
favorite hobby, skill or pastime into a viable business is
to use the leverage of the Internet to promote products
and services that are related to your hobby and people are
searching for.
a relatively simple (but not always easy :-), step by step
process to build a web business and product distribution
system to promote either your own products or services,
those of other merchants, or a combination of the two.
reasons are many -
leverage. You can have hundreds of thousands of other
people promoting your products and services for you and
you only pay them when they make a sale
reach. Even a small local business or somebody working
from their kitchen table has the same opportunity as huge
corporations when it comes to the Internet
of products already created. It doesn't matter if you have
no idea of how to create a product to sell to your market.
Chances are that many other people have already done all
the hard work for you and you'll find plenty of products
and services to sell to your targeted market place
opening hours. Your virtual store front is open all day,
every day, working for you while you goof off or do
whatever else it is that you want to do.
You can automate practically everything, and what you
can't automate, you can outsource if you want to, giving
you the potential for the ultimate lifestyle
With this in
mind, most of the resources will be focused towards
marketing on the Internet.
what we've got for you so far...
Ever wondered how the web really works? Have you ever
heard the phrase, "Content Is King?".
process of building a successful web business the search
engines and human visitor love has 4 steps -
free traffic from the search engines
your targeted visitors on doing something
your PRE-sold visitor traffic in various ways
This page goes
into more detail on how the search engines work out what
is good content and what is rubbish. To
read more, click here
Would you like to hear Ken Evoy, one of the current web
marketing 'Gurus' and owner of Sitesell.com, as he talks
candidly on a radio interview about the future of the web
and the keys to building a profitable web business?
Ken turns down $20,000 keynote speaker invitations. Here's your chance to hear him "live" and free.
To listen in on
the interview, click here
3) Not
sure how you could actually earn an income from your
website because you don't think you could 'sell'
There's now a
tailor-made way to monetize your website... Rarely will a custom-made solution be dropped into your lap (let alone from the Net's smartest company), just begging you to capitalize.
probably heard of Google. They're pretty big on the
Internet you might have noticed.
Well now you
can partner with Google and earn revenue every time
somebody clicks on one of your ads.
To learn how
to partner with one of the biggest names on the web today,
visit this page.
4) And finally
we have 3 .PDF files you can download that look at 3 of
the main issues in turning your hobby or skills into a
viable business -
hope you enjoy reading these ebooks and visiting the web
pages above. As we add new articles and resources, I'll
let you know by email so you're always up to date.
And if you
have any questions you'd like to ask a Solo Build It owner and
expert, you can
by visiting this page.
Thankyou again
for subscribing to our private site.
Wishing you
every success turning your hobby into an enjoyable
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