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Solo Build It Mastery Coaching Lesson
The Secret Strategy For
Leveraging Your Existing Content...
Hi again and welcome to this lesson.
How are you going with your new SBI
website? Did you have a chance to complete the steps I outlined in the last
message? If you did, great work.
If you're still not there yet, that's
OK, just file the email message that brought you to this page away for future
reference and when you're ready, get it out again and follow the steps outlined
This a VERY long lesson, but it's
critical that you 'get' this strategy right away and understand it's importance
so you can get maximum leverage from your ongoing website building efforts...
OK, let's begin.
For most websites in the majority of
niche markets, your over-riding goal as Most Wanted Response for every person
who ever arrives at your site should be just one thing…
You've Got To
Capture Your Visitor's
Name And Email Address
Of course, you'll need a way of
capturing your visitor's names and email addresses when they arrive, so that's
why you need to follow the instructions outlined in the last message before you
tackle this project.
If you don't have a way of capturing
your visitor's details, you'll be wasting a lot of valuable time driving traffic
to your site and losing them again without having the opportunity of following
up and building a relationship with them over the weeks and months ahead.
So when you've set up your name capture
mechanism, you're ready for the next step.
What we are going to do is leverage
your existing content and turn it into articles which you can upload to the top
article directories for other website publishers to use on their websites.
Your articles could be picked up by
hundreds or thousands of other websites and used as content all over the web.
You could become a 'Guru' in your niche market in a very short period of time
using this strategy.
Why just use your content once when you
can spread it around and put it to use hundreds of times?
Plus you'll have an incoming link from
each article on other people's websites to yours, increasing your link
popularity and ultimately Google PageRank, both of which are very important if
you are trying to get high search engine rankings (which you want of course :-).
See how it all fits together?
Writing and submitting articles is one
of the highest leverage activities you will invest your time in as you build
your web business. It will give you a massive edge over other sites in your niche if
you do it correctly.
So, Here Are The Steps To
Article Marketing Success…
Step 1 - Take an existing article
or story you've written for your website and change it into a 'How To' or a
'Tips' type of
Step 2 - Put a 'Resource Box' at
the bottom of each article directing people to a page where you can capture
their name and email address and telling them why they should visit and
Step 3 - Use Unique
Article Wizard
to automatically submit my articles to thousands of article directories and
ezine editors who are actively looking for fresh content
OK, Here's The 3 Steps
Explained In Detail...
Step 1 - Take an existing article
or story you've written for your website and change it into a 'How To' or a
'Tips' type of
For example, your German shepherd dog
website's article on potty training new puppies would become 'Three Steps To
Potty Training Your New Puppy.'
You change your article for two
One, because you don't want what's
called duplicate content exactly the same as yours on thousands of other
websites. It's OK if other webmasters all take your article and have duplicate
content on their websites, you just don't want the same article on your
The other is that 'How To' articles are
the most popular with readers.
People are looking for specific steps
they can take now to get a result. Give them clear instructions that provide the
information they are looking for and they will read your articles and recommend
them to their friends as well.
Step 2. Put a 'Resource Box' at
the bottom of each article directing people to a page where you can capture
their name and email address and telling them why they should visit and
Most people get this part totally
wrong. I was doing it incorrectly myself until I finally 'got it' from watching
my friend and mentor jimmy Brown and how he does it.
As an example of how your article
should look and what a correctly formatted resource box should look like, please read this article
see how I've structured it, then I'll take you through it step by step and
analyze if so you know how to put an article together properly yourself.
3 Simple Steps To Becoming A
Successful Emini Trader
By Rocky Tapscott
Trading the Emini futures market can be the ultimate lifestyle business. No employees, no boss, time freedom, you can run your business from anywhere, and enjoy potentially very good earnings.
If only it wasn't so difficult to make it all work...
You know what I mean. You do your analysis, see a trade, and hit the order button. And then you start to worry. What if I'm wrong. What if that reporter on the finance show was right about the jobs number coming in higher than expected. And the Fed could raise rates this afternoon.
Your mind starts racing with all sorts of 'What would happen if?' thoughts, so you decide you'll wait until tomorrow, just in case these demons combine to knock you out of your trade with a loss.
You hit the shops, or the beach, or the woods...anything to take your mind off trading for today. Tomorrow will be better you assure yourself, and you bask in the feeling of relief that your precious capital is no longer at risk today.
But tomorrow is the same. There's a different set of risk factors for sure, but they are still there, haunting you and your trading. You become paralyzed and can't function. And your confidence and your account balance start to suffer. If this sounds familiar, here is a simple three-step solution to your Emini trading problems.
Step 1 - Decide that trading is a business just like any other. Traders who are successful over a long period of time treat their trading as a business, not a hobby.
Traders who stick around for a while, blow their accounts and give up are usually trading for the excitement the action gives them or for the rush of being in the market.
If that sounds like your current trading style, beware. You are due for a lot of emotional and financial pain before your trading days are over (which could be sooner than you think). Treat trading as a business, learn and test different approaches, and you'll massively increase your chances of long-term success.
Step 2 - Don't try to forecast where the market is going - trade reality.
I spent years studying WD Gann's work and all it did was blind me to the facts - if you think you can forecast where the market is heading consistently, you are deluding yourself. The bottom line to whether you can forecast will be your account balance, and for most people who try, it's not a pleasant experience.
Sure you'll get it right sometimes, and that's the most dangerous thing about forecasting. By tossing a coin you'll be right half the time, so you tend to get random rewards when you trade. You win some, and think your forecasting ability is great. Then you lose some after doing the exact same analysis, and you start to question yourself and your abilities.
Eventually this lack of consistency forces you to either change your strategy or give trading away to protect your sanity...
Step 3 - Learn how to trade from somebody who is prepared to coach, guide and mentor you until you are proficient and making money on your own.
To succeed long-term at trading you must think and act like a competent business person in any other market. You will need to study and learn your craft by taking courses, you will need to develop a business plan, and you certainly need sufficient capital to ride out your learning curve and become a successful trader.
You will need a certain amount of on-the-job training, but learning this way from scratch can be terribly expensive compared to finding somebody who will coach you until you are ready.
You'll learn how to trade the Emini much more quickly if you have somebody who's done it professionally watch over your shoulder and guide you as you trade. You simply can't learn this stuff from books and courses. You need to be shown how to do it...
If you were mining for gold, what would you prefer; somebody to sell you a map, a shovel and a compass and tell you where to go, or somebody to actually take you down deep into the mine, physically show you to where to dig for the gold, and then help you carry it up to the surface?
The answer is obvious isn't it?
Bottom line? Find somebody who is prepared to coach and mentor you and your chances of becoming a wildly successful Emini trader will become a whole lot better.
To be coached and mentored by some of the best Emini traders in the world, visit You'll
be able to grab a Free stock
trading strategy video revealing a trade entry signal that’s right up to
77.4% of the time, and gives you a simple way to position yourself breakouts in
the Stock Market days before they actually occur,
Ok, let's analyze this
article to
see how it's put together.
1. Write a How To or 'Tips' article and make sure
you choose a compelling title. Your Title needs to contain your main
keyword and offer a BENEFIT to anyone interested in finding an answer to the
problem you are writing about. How To and 'Tips' articles are very popular and
I'd recommend you start off by using this format.
2. Step by step format. People want
information quickly and they want a SYSTEM that will help them achieve results.
A short, step by step system will keep people reading your articles until the
3. Make your most important point LAST,
and if possible make success with the other points dependent on
the final point being met. Pose a problem that your reader MUST overcome in
order to succeed in the final point and make them think about how they are going
to achieve this for themselves.
4. A Resource Box that provides the SOLUTION and
'gets the click'. Make an offer of a free Video, Report or Mini Course in
and instead of directing people to your website's Home page, capture your
visitor's name and email address through an opt-in page when they arrive to
check you out.
You can see how I do this in the article above - The final point is: Find somebody who is prepared to coach and mentor you and your chances of becoming a wildly successful Emini trader will become a whole lot better.
This gets traders thinking about how they can find somebody to mentor them.
Then in the Resource Box I give them the solution - visit Sam's site to grab a
Free Mini Course and book themselves in for a Free Trading Consultation to work
out where they need to change things.
When people register for the Mini Course, they are offered a Free
Consultation on the Thank You page. Many people take this opportunity, and talk
to Sam about their trading. Some of them then go on to become long-term
That's the system in a nutshell.
Write useful articles that give 'useful but incomplete' information (or have
them written for you by somebody else). Your final point poses a common problem
and then encourages your readers to visit your website (and grab your Mini
Course or some other freebie) for the solution.
How do you use this?
Write several articles covering various
topics related to your niche following the formula above, and submit
them to several major article directories (in particular, make sure you submit
your articles to
Create a Video, a Free Report or Mini Course that will answer your reader's questions
and put a Resource Box like the one I've written above at the end offering your
freebie to your readers.
Capture your visitor's name and email address on the landing page your
visitors come to from your articles and then follow up with them
using your own content and articles. In this way, you'll be building a long-term relationship with your readers by continuing to follow
up with more articles you've written yourself (or had written by somebody else),
and when you recommend a product or service, they'll be more likely to buy it
through you.
You can use Form Build It for the mini
course and the SBI Newsletter module for follow up, but because they don't yet
integrate with each other it can be a pain to get it working.
For this reason I prefer to use an
autoresponder (I use and
recommend Aweber) because you can set your messages up in a
logical sequence and there's no limit to how many you can add onto the end (or
how many lists you can have).
Plus you can just send a broadcast
message any time you have something special to tell your list. It costs 20 bucks
a month but it will pay off handsomely for you over time.
Step 3. Become a member of at
least 5 of the Article Directories below and submit your new 'How To' article to
Here's a list of
some of the top Article Directories.
At the very least, you should submit
your article to
Submit to all of them if you have the
time. Your effort will be repaid many times over…
Important Note
- And please don't get sidetracked by offers for things such as Traffic Swarm
and all of the other hoky stuff you'll see promoted in popups on some of these
Article Directory sites. The best marketers in the business don't use this
rubbish, so neither should you.
Submitting to all of these Directories
manually is fine, but it's a huge drain on your time. I use Unique
Article Wizard to automatically submit my articles to thousands of article directories and
ezine editors who are actively looking for fresh
Your time is much better spent writing
new content or doing other strategic business activities like
planning new advertising campaigns or building more content pages than manually submitting
your articles to hundreds of different places,
especially when you can outsource it so inexpensively.
T watch two videos that show you what Unique
Article Wizard is an does, visit this page.
So if you want to save yourself
HUNDREDS of hours submitting your articles to all these places, check out Unique
Article Wizard to see if it suits your needs. This service truly is one of the most leveraged
things I do when it comes to generating traffic.
One important thing to remember - I always submit to manually
first because it's the best at generating traffic in my
experience and gives me a high PageRank link back as well.
Step 6. Do this with at least 5
pages of your current content if possible. If you have to, write additional
content and submit that to the Article Directories above.
Step 7. Continue writing additional
content and building pages for your website. Each time you have a page you can
modify into a 'How To' or 'Tips' type of article, change it and submit it to at least 5
Article Directories (OK, one or two if you're really strapped for time) or use Unique
Article Wizard.
I've already mentioned that this is an
extremely high leverage activity.
I heard marketing guru John Reese
talking about one lady (I think she was a Life Coach) who wrote 3 articles a
week for 12 months and submitted them to several Article Directories.
She went from near
zero website traffic and just 40 ezine subscribers to over 8000 unique visitors
a day and tens of thousands of ezine subscribers in just over a year.
Article marketing works. Get into it
early! In 12 months time, you could be the authority in your
market...a real live 'Guru'.
Your list will start to grow and your
relationship building can begin…and you're in business.
Ok, that's it for today. I'd love to
hear your feedback on how your article marketing strategy is going.
Questions And Answers
No time to write articles yourself? Outsource
it! Read
Should I be spending time writing website content or submitting articles?
What's a quick easy way to generate ideas for articles and website content?
I've heard that submitting articles to is a good way of getting
additional visitors and boosting my website's PageRank. How do I do this? Read
More in this SBI Tips article
Are we allowed to add a "headline" inside
another's article and not have it count as us "changing their
article" Read
That's all for today,
Until next time,