Are You Paying Too Much For Your Google, Yahoo Search And MSN Leads?

If you are driving traffic to your websites using Pay Per Click search engines, you know it's a very effective (but often expensive) way to get targeted traffic.

But what are those leads your currently buying from Google, Yahoo and MSN really worth?

How many campaigns are you currently running that are costing you money instead of making it? And how do you tell?

I just found a cool click value calculator tool when I was reading Seth Godin's Blog that shows you how to work out what your leads are really worth.

I ran a few campaigns through it and here's what I found...

One of my campaigns where I'm paying an average of $1.25 per click while the lifetime value of each customer is worth around $400. This means that each click is actually worth $14.28. See below...

I'm making $13.03 every time somebody clicks on one of my ads - an 1140% return. 

If I could buy more leads like this I would in a heartbeat, but I've pretty much got this small market exhausted :-(

Better go looking for more places like this I think...

Here's another one I tried...

On this campaign I'm spending 17 cents per click and each one is worth 58 cents in profits. 

I'm making 41 cents every time somebody clicks on one of my ads fro an outlay of 17 cents. That's nearly a 250% return on my money - not as good as the other one but still not bad. 

The good thing about this tool is that I also found a few campaigns that I was actually losing money on, so I adjusted things or paused them to stop the bleeding.

All in all, if you are using pay Per click advertising (and you should be) this tool will show you what's happening inside your campaigns.

I hope you find it useful.

Here's the link to it again.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a very merry Christmas if you celebrate the occasion, and a prosperous, happiness filled new year.

To your online success,


P.S. I'd love to hear if this tool helped you with your campaign budgeting or showed you how to increase your profits. If it does, let me know here.

P.P.S. And don't forget, I can offer you advanced SBI assistance in building and getting the best performance out of your website. 

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