How to you compare
conventional photography to digital photography?
We're often asked how to compare conventional
photography with digital photography by people who aren't sure if they want
to grab a conventional SLR or a digital camera for either hobby or professional
course there are many differences between the two, not just in the actual
photography process and the cameras used, but in the long term cost difference
between the two mediums. Trying to compare conventional photography and digital
photography could be likened to comparing apples with oranges.
They are both fruits, but they certainly aren't the same.
For a start, conventional photography uses completely
different (some would say inferior) technology, requires dangerous chemical
processes and expensive labor costs to produce prints on the downside, and can
produce quite stunning results in the hands of somebody who is trained in the
use of a quality camera on the upside.
Digital photography on the other hand can produce similar
quality (or better depending on who is taking the shots :-) while saving
resources, time and money in the process.
photos can be produced on demand without needing negatives, can be emailed
instantly around the world, and can be stored forever on digital devices for
later retrieval as required.
Bottom line...there are horses for courses, and a good
photographer can create beautiful images using a conventional camera, but for
our money (and most of our readers), digital photography is the way to go.
To learn all about our proven digital photography course
and find out how you can start taking stunning photographs after just one
lesson, visit this page.
Thanks for visiting our comparison between conventional
photography and digital photography page.
P.S. Don't miss this great course. Right now you can get a $200
discount, but it's not going to last forever...check
it out now.
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