From This Point Forward...

by Corinna Bowers

Often, as we go through our daily routines, we forget how wonderful life can be. You know how it is…you're so busy and involved in the little things that it's hard to step back and look at the big picture. And when we're stuck in the daily routine, we forget that life is what we make it. 

The big picture is, no matter where you are in life, that you truly have the ability to make choices that will change your life. That's right. Change it quickly, change it forever, and change it for the better. 

All of us come into adulthood with our own set of baggage. Some of us carry around more than others. But no matter what your past, you can choose to make things different from this point forward. 

Just think, from now on you can implement a plan that will point you in the direction you want to go. You can choose to run your life instead of letting your life run you. You can be proud to actually create the future that you want. You can set about accomplishing goals that have long been on the back burner or forgotten all together. 

This might mean that you make choices that seemed alien to you a few years ago. This might mean that you have to prepare to be a little more vulnerable. This might mean that you'll need more support in your life. And this most certainly means that you will start looking at life with a different perspective. 

From this point forward, you can choose to better manage your reactions, feelings, and behaviors. 

From this point forward, you can choose to let go of some of your baggage.

From this point forward, you can choose to change the story of your life from a horror/mystery/drama story to an adventure story.

From this point forward, you can choose how you will treat others.

From this point forward, you can strive to be the best person you can be.

And while things aren't always going to go your way, you can certainly choose to handle disappointment and failure appropriately. 

Focusing on the choices you have from this point forward won't prevent you from feeling frustrated and let down, but it will empower you to be accountable for your choices and to learn from your mistakes. 

Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, gave an amazingly inspirational Commencement Address ( to the 2005 graduating class of Stanford University. 

It is funny, poignant, and full of life lessons learned. The message is applicable for all of us, and I believe is a great reminder to live life fully…from this point forward!

Corinna Bowers is a personal life coach who helps her clients move their lives forward with a purpose! Visit her website,, to learn more about communication, self care, and moms' issues.