Stop Smoking Once And For All The Natural Way...

So it's time you gave up smoking? You can feel it in yourself - less energy, looming health know that smoking is slowly killing you. It's time to give it away, isn't it?

But boy it's hard...


This Article Is Sponsored By Native Remedies Stop Smoking Ultra Pack

If you are ready to stop smoking NOW, the Native Remedies Stop Smoking Ultra Pack is an all natural way of quitting which does not include nicotine substitutes like nicotine gums, sprays, patches, etc. 


In this article we look at the natural way of quitting smoking once and for all.

Help yourself to give up Smoking

by Michele Carelse

As you read this, you are probably filled with anxiety with the very thought of being without that reassuring packet of cigarettes in your bag or pocket! You might have been smoking for years. Maybe this is the first time you are seriously considering "giving up" or perhaps you have tried before and failed. Whatever the case may be - don't be discouraged, you are one of millions!

In my opinion, not enough recognition is given to the fact that nicotine dependency is a serious addiction! Many people see cigarette smoking as a "Bad Habit" and feel that smokers should be able to "just stop"!

Although there are many gums, sprays and patches available to help the person gradually wean him/herself off the cigarettes, most smokers are expected to "go it alone", be crabby for a few weeks and then be fine! If they fail, the insinuation is that they are weak, indulgent, inconsiderate, etc.

The medical and moral support and understanding given to other substance abusers (e.g. alcoholics, crack addicts, etc) is usually not forthcoming for those who are struggling to overcome nicotine dependency.

Hopefully, this article will fill that gap a little. Nothing on earth will make it easy and effortless - but, if you are serious about giving up and follow the advice given here, you will find that you stand a better chance of being successful.

Think about why you want to give up. Like all addictions, YOU are the one that must want to quit. If you are quitting because someone else wants you to or is pressurizing you to, your chances of success are greatly diminished. YOU must want to do it, for reasons that are YOURS.

One of the most compelling reasons to give up smoking is that cigarettes are detrimental to your health. Here are some sobering facts:

1. Smoking is the most important risk factor for cancer and heart disease. In fact, statistics show that smokers are about three to five times more likely to contract cancer or heart disease than non-smokers. (Tobacco smoke contains more than 4000 chemicals and 50 of these have been identified as carcinogens).

2. Not only do smokers have a far greater risk of contracting lung cancer, but they also have increased rates of other cancers, including cancer of the mouth, larynx, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney, pancreas, liver, cervix, stomach, colon and rectum. Smokers are also at greater risk for leukemia.

3. The overall cancer death rates for smokers are twice as high as those of non-smokers. The more cigarettes you smoke and the longer you smoke for, the greater the risk.

4. Smoking contributes significantly to the development of high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries and therefore places smokers at greater risk of stroke and heart disease.

5. Smoking causes chronic lung disorders like emphysema, asthma and bronchitis.

Heard enough? Well, here is some more!

1. Smoking causes premature wrinkling, especially of the face.

2. Smokers have yellow teeth, and foul smelling breath, hair and clothes.

3. Smoking causes impotence and erectile dysfunction in men and low libido in men and women. It can also contribute towards difficulties in falling pregnant and birth defects.

4. Smoking deprives the body of oxygen, leading to fatigue and low concentration levels.

5. At current prices, smoking is very bad for your bank balance! Think of what you could do with the money you spend on cigarettes!

These are only a few of the known dangers of smoking that pertain to the individual. Still not convinced? Then think of this:

Not only is smoking bad for you, but it is also bad for your family and those around you! For example, children of smokers are far more likely to develop asthma and other chronic respiratory infections than those of non-smokers. They are also more prone to colds and flu and lose more time off school.

Exposed to second hand tobacco smoke on a daily basis, these children also have higher risks of developing all the cancers, disorders and other medical conditions mentioned above.

In addition, you are a role model for your child and are not teaching them good health habits when you continue to smoke in the face of overwhelming evidence regarding the serious health hazards associated with smoking. If you don't do it yourself, do it for your kids!

So what's new?

Most people who are reading this article have heard all of this before. When they stop and think about it (which they try not to do), they cannot avoid the fact that the only sensible thing to do is to stop the habit.

In fact, research has shown that the majority of smokers over the age of 30 would like to stop smoking. Many of them have tried and failed. This brings us back to Square One.

The Native Remedies Stop Smoking Ultra Pack

At Native Remedies, we have all had personal experience of nicotine addiction and withdrawal. As a psychologist, I have also counseled many people who have struggled to stop smoking.

As an ex-smoker, I understand the difficulties involved, as well as the feelings of failure and frustration experienced every time you try and fail to stop smoking.

I understand how stressed you feel when you read about the health hazards of smoking, the feelings of irritation when other people point them out to you - as well as the feelings of guilt around endangering the lives of your loved ones who are exposed to your second hand smoke.

Considering the huge cost that smoking imposes on our own lives, those of our children and the economy of the country, it is surprising that there is not more support for smokers who want to give up. Nicotine withdrawal is no joke and cigarettes can be more difficult to give up than many other dangerous drugs.

To help you, Native Remedies has worked together with experts in the field to provide help in the form of specially formulated natural remedies combined with a free step-by-step program to support and guide you through the process of nicotine withdrawal.

Natural Remedies Can Help

Natural remedies can help to prevent depression associated with nicotine withdrawal, reduce nicotine craving and soothe the restlessness, irritability and volatile moods often felt by people trying to quit smoking.

Unlike some nicotine withdrawal programs, the Native Remedies Stop Smoking Ultra Pack does not include nicotine substitutes like nicotine gums, sprays, patches, etc.

Apart from the fact that nicotine is the 'enemy', using nicotine substitutes may help with craving in the short term, but can also lead to relapse in the long term. Our aim is to keep you nicotine free and we want you to start out that way!

Other programs advocate the use of synthetic anti-depressant drugs or even tranquillizers to help control the depression, anxiety and mood swings that can send you right back to the cigarettes.

While this approach does have some merit, it is also true that there are very effective natural substitutes for the synthetic antidepressants and tranquillizers - which can offer the same benefits without the side effects and potential for addiction.

After all - you are fighting one addiction and do not want to replace it with another!

With this in mind, Native Remedies has formulated three natural remedies to help address all the major problems associated with nicotine withdrawal.

Although they are all excellent stand alone products, Rx-Hale tablets, Crave-Rx Drops and Triple Complex NicoTonic tissue salts are designed to work together and are recommended for use as part of a holistic treatment program.

1.Rx-Hale Tablets are especially formulated to prepare your body to stop smoking and are begun one month before you want to stop.

They contain a unique combination of herbs which are well known for their anti-depressant and calming effect and include chromium to help prevent the tendency to overeat as a substitute for cigarettes.

Taken during the month before you stop smoking and continued for a few months until the worst is over, Rx-Hale Tablets ensure that your efforts to stop smoking are not foiled by depression, mood swings and sugar cravings.

Taking the tablets every day during the 30 days before you stop also prepares you psychologically for nicotine withdrawal and ensures that you begin the process feeling strong and ready to face the challenges ahead of you!

2.Crave-Rx Drops contain a unique combination of selected herbal ingredients to assist with the management of nicotine craving, possibly due to their balancing effect on brain chemicals known to be associated with addiction.

Containing herbs which have been clinically proven to reduce the craving for nicotine, Crave-Rx Drops also contain herbs which will help to prevent the sugar cravings and compensatory overeating which often cause people to go back to cigarettes due to unwanted weight gain. Taken in a little water or juice three to four times a day, Crave-Rx Drops act quickly to reduce nicotine craving and keep you calm.

3.Triple Complex NicoTonic is a complex biochemic tissue salt formulation to assist with the 'short fuse' syndrome so frequently associated with nicotine withdrawal.

Triple Complex NicoTonic helps to prevent irritability, temper outbursts and restlessness and ensures a calmer and more successful path to a cigarette free life! It does this by promoting the bio-availability of nutrients, hormones and bio-chemicals that are usually depleted by the stress of nicotine and drug withdrawal.

Presented in convenient sucking tablets which are dissolved under the tongue when needed, Triple Complex NicoTonic can be taken as many times per day as necessary.

For more information on these three natural remedies, please see

The Native Remedies Stop Smoking Ultra Pack - STOP SMOKING IN EIGHT WEEKS - BE A NON-SMOKER FOR LIFE!

STEP ONE: (Four Weeks)

Preparation is important!! Follow these steps. During this first four weeks you can continue to smoke.

1. Determine your Quit Date! You must set a Quit Date no less than one month away. This gives you four weeks to prepare for beginning nicotine withdrawal.

2. Start using Rx-Hale Tablets one month before your Quit Date to prevent depression and anxiety and to stabilize blood sugar levels and prevent weight gain. Remember to use them every day as directed! Every time you take a dose, remind yourself that you are on the road to recovery from nicotine addiction!

3. Make a list of all the reasons why you want to stop smoking and read this list every day. Glue it to the door of your fridge, your computer monitor and the mirror in the bathroom.

4. Tell at least 10 people that you are going to stop smoking on your Quit Date.

5. Identify times and places which you associate with cigarettes e.g. after a meal, first thing in the morning, when you are driving, watching TV, etc.

During the first four weeks, DO NOT smoke during these times and at these places - although you can smoke elsewhere.

If you smoke in front of the TV, get up and smoke in the kitchen.

If you smoke in bed when you wake up, get out of bed and smoke after you have dressed. If you smoke after a meal, wait for 30 minutes and do something else in the meanwhile.

If you light up as soon as you get into the car, rather smoke before and after your journey.

If you smoke while speaking on the telephone, hang up if you need to have a cigarette. This helps you to break the 'habit smoking' while still allowing you to smoke.

6. Start an exercise program and/or start a new hobby. Regular exercise helps tremendously to improve mood and motivation levels and also gets you feeling healthy and more confident.

People who exercise regularly have a running start over those who don't when it comes to beating the smoking habit! It doesn't matter what you do - just do it every day for at least 30 minutes. Take up an interesting hobby, preferably one that you can do with your hands - but any hobby will do.

Be prepared to invest money in exercise and a new hobby - you will have some to spare because you are not smoking!

STEP TWO: (Four Weeks) Quit Date arrives! NO MORE SMOKING!

1. Throw away, trash or burn all cigarettes, ashtrays, lighters and anything associated with smoking!

2. Remind everyone that you have now officially stopped smoking.

3. Continue using Rx-Hale Tablets and being taking Crave-Rx Drops three to six times daily to reduce nicotine craving, control appetite and prevent the weight gain often associated with quitting.

4. If you experience mood swings or a 'short fuse syndrome', suck Triple Complex NicoTonic Tablets whenever needed to reduce restlessness, bad mood and agitation.

5. Ask a friend or family member to be your 'buddy' during the next few weeks, preferably one who has also stopped smoking. He or she needs to be 'on call' for emergency phone calls, walks, talks and visits for those moments when craving becomes just too tough to manage alone.

If possible, email or phone this buddy every night before you go to bed. Just a short message to say 'I made it today' does wonders and holds you accountable to someone else besides yourself.

If you are tempted to smoke, read the list you have made of reasons why you want to stop and promise yourself you will not have a cigarette before first speaking to your buddy.

6. Continue with your exercise program and hobby.

7. Instead of smoking, chew on raw vegetables like carrots or chew sugarless chewing gum. If your fingers are itching to hold a cigarette, play with a pencil, some 'worry beads' or a cool smooth stone.

8. Take one day at a time! This is important. Every morning tell yourself that your goal for the day is to complete it without cigarettes.

9. Reward yourself at the end of this month with a gift equal in value to the money that you would have spent on cigarettes.

10. Go out and celebrate with your 'buddy', friends and family. Making four weeks without cigarettes is a BIG DEAL and means that you have beaten the physical addiction to nicotine.

STEP THREE: Now that you are a Non-Smoker, maintenance is essential!! Physical addiction to most substances is 'cured' after 3 or 4 weeks. Now you have to overcome the psychological addiction!

1. Continue with Rx-Hale Tablets and Crave Rx Drops for at least 6 months. If you feel restless or irritable, suck a Triple Complex NicoTonic Tablet to calm yourself.

2. Don't let your exercise program slip.

3. Be on guard all the time - 'only' one cigarette is one cigarette too many for any Quitter! If anyone offers you a cigarette, say 'No thanks - I don't smoke!' and mean it!

4. Reward yourself at the end of every month. Celebrate your Quitting Anniversary every month.

5. Whenever you feel stressed or tense, practice deep breathing exercises or listen to some soothing music.

6. Realize that the danger is not past. Although the craving for cigarettes becomes weaker and weaker as time goes by, ex-smokers report that the thought of having a cigarette still pops into their minds years after they have stopped. When that happens, visualize a big red STOP sign and say 'NO'! As a nicotine addict, you can NEVER again have a cigarette. Never give up giving up!

What if I have a cigarette?

Well, what if you don't?

But seriously, if you do "slip up" and have a cigarette, don't say, "Oh No, I failed - I'm a smoker again".

Tell yourself "One cigarette doesn't make a smoker - I am a Non-Smoker, who had ONE cigarette and I am not going to have another one!"

Put out the cigarette as soon as you can, forgive yourself (just this once) and move on as a non-smoker.

So, there you have it! You CAN stop smoking. Using Rx-Hale Tablets, Crave-Rx Drops, Triple Complex NicoTonic and the Native Remedies Rx-Hale No-More-Smoking Program you can also enjoy the health and beauty benefits of being NICOTINE FREE!

Keep smiling!

Michele Carelse is a Registered Clinical Psychologist and Licensed Counselor with more than 15 years experience. She runs her own private practice in Cape Town, South Africa, as well as an online counseling and information service at

To read more about quitting smoking and for additional tips, check out our Stop Smoking Course here.

And make sure you visit Natural Remedies for full details of their tried and tested stop smoking system.


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