Writing An Electronic Resume - Resume Tips For The Internet Age...

An Electronic Resume will often not be read by an employer until a computer has first scanned it. These resume tips will help to get yours right on the top of the pile.

More and more, employers are opting for electronic lodgment of resumes as their preferred method of finding the best candidate for their position. 

But you need to make sure your resume is the one selected from potentially hundreds of competing applicants because lodging an electronic resume is so easy that often many people who aren't that interested in the position will lodge one just to see what happens. These resume tips will help you stand out from the crowd...

Even when your qualifications are especially good, and you are very confident that you are the best candidate for the position, unless your resume meets with the standard in formatting, your resume will not reach the employer’s desk. 

Those that are not aware of how to format an Electronic Resume, even with stellar qualifications, will never be called in for that important interview. 

Below are the elements necessary to meet
the Electronic Resume standard:

Write using Nouns and not Verbs - Nouns are the dominant words in a scan able resume. Use descriptive words such as bookkeeping, supervisor and Pratt & Lambert. 

Use of Descriptors - Use keywords such as education, skill-set, experience, talents and abilities. These are the words employers look for when wanting to fill a position. Use plenty of keywords. The more, the better! 

Fancy is Out - Scan able resumes are very conservatively written. Do not decorate and do not use uncommon typefaces. Use only white or beige paper, do not underline and do not use italics. 

Use Simple Design - The computer will read text and not graphics. Anything that is complex, such as tables and leader dots, should be excluded. 

Avoid Abbreviations - With the exception of very common abbreviations, such as, BA (Bachelor of Arts,) use full terms. 

Write your Name First and then your Contact Info on a Separate Line 

Make Good use of White Space - Leave ample space between sections for the computer to pick up that one section has ended and another has started. 

Write using Proper Language - Use common words that all people will understand. 

Three to Four Page Resume is Acceptable - The hard and fast “one-page” resume rule no longer applies. Electronic resumes run 3-4 pages in length. 

A separate section of this site has been devoted to a variety of different resume types and formats. 

This will give you full creative licensee to select what suits you best. 

Getting the basics down first is every bit as important as the final product you will create using this article series. 

The more creative you can be in writing about yourself, your credentials, your experience and everything else of importance to a prospective employer, the better. 

I hope this fifth article has been helpful. Tomorrow we'll wrap up this series and look at some final tips to help you get that job interview you want so badly...

P.S. To Download a FREE Combination Resume Template that you can modify and use straight away to get the job interview you are after, Click Here.


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