How Professional Resume Writers Create The Perfect Summary And Accomplishments Section...

If you follow the lead of professional resume writers when creating the Summary section of your resume, you should be able to brag a little (but not too much :-). In the Skills and Accomplishments section you can brag a little more. 

This section will cap off all that qualifies you for your intended position. Professional resume writers will show your prospective employer that there can be no other candidate and the search for the perfect employee stops with YOU! 

How do you do this best? 

You continue to show that you are the right person for the job by going into greater detail about the introduction that you wrote of in your Summary section. 

This requires careful wording so as not to be repetitious. If you can pull this off like a professional resume writer, using words that glow, you will have the attention you are looking for. 

The most key point about writing this section is you are not going to inform. You are going to highlight in more detail what your prospective employer already believes to be true about you as an ideal candidate. 

The Purpose of your Skills and Accomplishments Section 

Go into good detail about the following: 

• Any benchmarks or landmarks accomplished as the result of your unique skill-set. 

• Using facts, figures and statistics, show how your best efforts showed the best results. 

• Your specific talents and unique gifts as related to your job. 

• All accomplishments that sets you apart. 

To be most effective, you will use clear, crisp writing that sums up your skills and accomplishments. 

You are going into detail here, but not so much that this section reads like a story. 

Key Point -- Write so that you give hints and not complete details. You want your prospective employer to call you in for the interview to learn more! 

Your information should be useful, but incomplete. This is critical. 

I hope this forth article has been helpful. Tomorrow we'll continue looking at how you as a professional resume writer can create an atmosphere where you are the only logical choice for an interview whenever you apply for any position you choose...


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