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Here you'll find an archive of every Solo Build It Mastery Coaching Lesson I've written so far.

Feel free to read through as many as you like, especially if you are a little more advanced with your website and you are looking for more ideas on how to grow your business.

I'll be adding more lessons regularly, so make sure you bookmark this page so you can come back here again easily.

Of course, it goes without saying - please keep this page between us. 

It's for your benefit only, so please don't share it with anyone else outside of your family. Thanks!

Ok, let's get into the lessons, shall we...

Lesson 1 - Welcome To My Brand New Solo Build It! Mastery Coaching Program!

Lesson 2 - Here are some housekeeping items that will help you stay organized as you build your new website

Lesson 3 - If you haven't done so yet, it's time to get started with The SBI Action Guide

Lesson 4 - How did you go with your assignment?

Lesson 5 - How is your Brainstorming going? Here are some tips and ideas that may help if you're stuck

Lesson 6 - The importance of finding your 'Voice'...and optimizing those pages for great Search Engine rankings

Lesson 7 - Getting your Newsletter 'Out There'. Your Newsletter is your most important marketing tool. Get started building your database now, don't wait!

Lesson 8 - The big article marketing lesson. Here's how to use articles to really drive a lot of free traffic to your website over time

Lesson 9 - Building your Internet Marketing savvy

Lesson 10 - Today we'll be looking at something that many website owners don't consider until it's too late - Asset Protection

Lesson 11 - Today we'll be doing a quick recap on where we've come so far

Lesson 12 - How to supercharge your reciprocal link building program

Lesson 13 - Grab this free ebook and learn more about Viral Marketing - build your profits on autopilot

Lesson 14 - The follow up to last weeks Viral Marketing article - a case study of Harvey's ebook

Lesson 15 - Let's get started with Google Adsense to monetize your website

Lesson 16 - Chitika MiniMalls. A viable alternative to Adsense? Maybe for some...

Lesson 17 - Use this code to help your visitors bookmark your site easily so they can return again and again

Lesson 18 - Tips on getting over 'The Hump' in your website's life. Not going as fast as you would like? Here's the answer

Lesson 19 - Here's how you can create supercharged articles to really boost your list and traffic

Lesson 20 - Let's start increasing your website's link popularity using articles all over the web

Lesson 21 - Shows you how to get started creating your own viral ebooks and mini courses which build your income automatically

Lesson 22 - Tips for increasing your website's Visitor Value so you can earn more while doing less

Lesson 23 - Looks at even more ways of increasing your site's all important Visitor Value

Lesson 24 - Shows you the power of using specific 'buying' keywords instead of 'research' keywords to increase your profits

Lesson 25 - Here's how to create effective landing pages which get your visitors to do what YOU want them to

Lesson 26 - So how do you really compete with the top SEO guys and consistently get better page rankings than them?

Lesson 27 - Here's the 5 minute guide to removing the seasonal sales slump in your online business

Lesson 28 - How to use Joint Ventures to massively boost your online revenue and profits

Lesson 29 - Google Arbitrage is dead. Long Live Google Arbitrage... Contrary to popular belief, the Google Arbitrage strategy is not quite dead...yet

Lesson 30 - More on getting over the hump. And a special offer to all coaching students

Lesson 31 - There's Riches In Niches. Can you 'niche down' your existing website into much more targeted areas?

Lesson 32 - Don't get me started about newsletters :-) Have you made the most out of yours yet??

Lesson 33 - What does the death of online gambling mean for your web business?

Lesson 34 - Suggestions for boosting traffic now that your site is up and running properly without spending a LOT of extra time creating content

Lesson 35 - The cool thing about article marketing and how you can leverage your time and results by 100 or more.

Lesson 36 - Why PREselling is so important to your Online success...and how to do it right

Lesson 37 - How would you launch a product as a Joint Venture? This lesson looks at a recent JV I started working on and shows the initial steps of launching a series of products through a JV

Lesson 38 - How Perry Marshall has dominated his niche...and how you can do the same thing in yours

Lesson 39 - Here's how to quickly and easily find unlimited content for your Mini Courses and autoresponder messages

Lesson 40 - Why you need both paid and organic traffic coming to your website

Lesson 41 - The top 10 mistakes affiliate marketers make and how to avoid them

Lesson 42 - 5 alternative ways to prepare your own Ebooks and Special Reports without having to write a single word

Lesson 43 - 5 fatal mistakes in Resale Rights marketing and how to avoid them

Lesson 44 - Let's give your Google Page Rank and link popularity a huge boost

Lesson 45 - Back Selling and Cross Selling can provide more income streams for your online business

Lesson 46 - How to boost the salability of your Resale Rights Products and multiply your profits

Lesson 47 - Freelancing: The ins and outs of exchanging your skills for cash and working from home NOW

Lesson 48 - How to Broker JV deals for fantastic profit, without having to spend a single cent

Lesson 49 - How NOT to handle refund requests. This lesson could save you a fortune...

Lesson 50 - How to dominate your niche and crush your competition by building a brand, creating a USP and using simple direct marketing

Lesson 51 - How to create profitable Mini Courses quickly and easily without having to write them yourself...

Lesson 52 - Two important Sitesell Forum threads you should study and learn from

Lesson 53 - Get Email Results - How to get your list members to BUY from you...

Lesson 54 - If your Solo Build It site isn't 'getting the click', here's something to test...

Lesson 55 - The Secret Of Building A Successful Solo Build It Site...

Lesson 56 - How to get your prospects to visit your Solo Build It site, more often...

Once again, I'd like to thank you for being part of my online family, and I wish you massive success with your SBI website.

Warmest regards,

P.S. And don't forget, I can offer you advanced SBI assistance in building and getting the best performance out of your website. 

I provide an array of website building, optimization and marketing services (see and can provide fresh insight and new angles to solving your web marketing problems. Visit that page for a full rundown on how I can help you further with your Solo Build It website

The Solo Build It Made Easy Coaching Program is proudly listed in the Affiliate Program Directory.